Tag Archives: goals

Getting into the Solution

So, yesterday was not a very good day for me; I was all wrapped up in myself and self-pity was running riot.  I was feeling as though I had let everyone down and that my dreams were never going to come true; that I was nothing but a failure and I might as well give up.  Yes I went there and for most of the day at that.  It seemed like the harder I tried, the worse things got.  Overwhelming feelings took over like a sudden disaster and seemed to be suffocating me.

I knew that if I allowed these feelings to continue that I was headed for some dangerous territory; so I did what I know to do and I went to my Sponser’s house and shared my feelings and thoughts, in a vulnerable way.  There was nothing positive coming out of my mouth, especially about myself.  She pointed out to me that all I was doing was beating myself up and the only place that was going to get me was into a deep and dark depression.  We talked for a long time and it really felt better getting out what was honestly going on with me , both in my head and in my heart.

Sometimes we just have bad days; We feel “bluh”and just want to escape from it all; especially when everything seems to be falling apart around us.  If we don’t quickly get into the solution, we will lead ourselves’ to much darker places; depression, despair, isolation, fear, loneliness & even destruction.

When you have those days, don’t  beat yourself up; we all go through such times.  Reach out to someone, share what’s going on and be open-minded and willing enough to take some suggestions; and when things seem to be falling apart, don’t allow it to cause you to give up; Just because things aren’t working out on your time-table , doesn’t mean they never will.

((((hugs & love))))


http://www.wingsofencouragement.net/store.html (check out our online store for great Easter ideas and our variety of Inspirational items)


There are so many times I wondered why I was even here on this earth.  I couldn’t seem to find what it was that I truly wanted to do, and to be quite frank, I didn’t care, because I just knew I would never be good at whatever it was.  

When I decided to get clean in January of 2007, my life began taking a new direction; one that was filled with Happiness, Freedom, & Hope, but I still couldn’t find my purpose.  Why was I here?  What was it I was suppose to do?  The answers just wouldn’t come.  Soon I became extremely depressed and would often tell myself, “I didn’t get clean , to be miserable.”  Everyone else was doing something great and they were great at it, but I couldn’t see myself being great at anything.  Needless to say I had a lot of work to do.  

Low self-esteem was my biggest issue and even today I still battle with not feeling good enough.  The difference is it doesn’t last as long, nor happen as often.  I started trying new things and began keeping a daily journal, which I call My Letters To God.  Soon I realized that I loved to write; I loved to help people and I loved to share what worked for me.  I wanted others to know that no matter what they may have gone through in life; Addiction, Child abuse (of all sorts), Torture, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, etc., they too could find a way to enjoy life once again.   So I started working on a meditation book and soon began my own facebook page which has grown to over 1 million followers.  Soon I was dreaming even bigger dreams.  Inspirational Jewelry has always been very special to me; when I am feeling down or like I just don’t have the courage to go one step more, I will rub on my Serenity Prayer necklace and recite the prayer over and over; so I wanted to have my own line of jewelry.  Now this was something I never thought would happen, but in the past few months , not only do I have my own line of jewelry , I have my first t-shirt and even keytags.  Now how awesome is that.  With the help of my Brother-n-law and Sister my dreams are happening right before my own eyes.

Now with all of that being said, I have found myself experiencing a lot of doubt and frustration the past several weeks; My website is new, so there isn’t much traffic and therefore the jewelry and shirts aren’t selling like I had hoped.   Fear started taking over again and before I knew it my thoughts were full of negativity.  I was doubting my existence once again; I was feeling like a failure and like I was letting those that were helping make this dream possible, down.  I also haven’t put my book on kindle yet because of the fear of rejection.  

I look at what all is going on in my life and wonder why I can’t be as great as others are; then I realize I am great, because God made me.  He made me for a unique and divine purpose and helping others and inspiring others is the purpose He has for me; whether it be through facebook, jewelry, website, twitter, other social media or WordPress; God has a plan for me and I know that it’s for my best.  I also know things take time and a lot of work; My self-esteem is much better but I still have a long way to go.  It’s called a PROCESS. 

Low Self-Esteem can destroy your life; it can cause you to do the things you truly don’t want to do, to give up on your dreams , your hopes, and even worse your life.  So many have taken their own lives just because of how much they hated themselves’.   Don’t be one of those people.

When life gets tough, when you feel as though you have no purpose , no use at all in this Universe; Remember, without you the Universe would not be the same; the puzzle wouldn’t be complete, because you are meant to be in it, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!  And when you have a dream that you can’t go a day without thinking about, NEVER GIVE UP ON IT!!!!  NEVER!!!!  It takes time to make things happen, along with a lot of hard work and patience.  You will get there, one step & one day at a time. 

Always have Faith in yourself, because God has more faith in you than you can possibly imagine and with God on our side, we can’t do anything but Succeed!!!

(((hugs & love)))



Inspirational Jewelry

I am so grateful for how my life is today;

I would have never dreamed 7 years ago that I would have a facebook page that had over 1 million followers, my own line of jewelry, and books coming out in the near future.  So gratitude does not even express how I am feeling at this moment.

I am doing what I love to do and all because I chose to take a few steps in the direction of my dreams.

Please check out all of our jewelry and let me know what you think at  http://wingsofencouragement.net/store.html

Always remember that you deserve the best that life and love have to offer;

You deserve for your dreams to come true and you are worth all the effort it takes to make that happen.

(((hugs & love)))


Take Some Action

Take Some Action.

Take Some Action

Take Some Action.