Tag Archives: Wendy Box

Inspirational Jewelry

I am so grateful for how my life is today;

I would have never dreamed 7 years ago that I would have a facebook page that had over 1 million followers, my own line of jewelry, and books coming out in the near future.  So gratitude does not even express how I am feeling at this moment.

I am doing what I love to do and all because I chose to take a few steps in the direction of my dreams.

Please check out all of our jewelry and let me know what you think at  http://wingsofencouragement.net/store.html

Always remember that you deserve the best that life and love have to offer;

You deserve for your dreams to come true and you are worth all the effort it takes to make that happen.

(((hugs & love)))


When my desire to change is greater than my desire to stay the same!

On those days when I can’t seem to find the drive, the passion, or even the desire to change; I give myself a break.  Beating myself up will not solve anything; it actually will make matters worse.  When the time is right for me to push through a situation, to give it all my strength and energy, I will know; because I do know this, when the passion burns inside of me to change a situation, I will have a strength I never knew I had.


Wendy Box


Take Some Action

Take Some Action.

Take Some Action

Take Some Action.


I have but one question for you to ponder through out your day:


Have a fantastic friday my friends and a wonderful week-end!!
(((hugs & love)))