Let it Out!

Have you ever had something that happened in your life that you swore you would never tell anyone, as long as you lived?  You know those “secrets”; that no one know but you?

I once had many of those “‘secrets” and they nearly drove me to my death.  I always thought others wouldn’t accept me if they knew; that they would reject me.  I  could hardly bear to remember the events , much less share them with someone. 

However when I found that special person; that person that I could trust with all my heart; that I knew would never tell anything I shared; When I found that person, I could get free of those secrets.  I was able to free myself . 

Yes it did take me time; Yes it was painful; Yes there were times I didnt’ think they would completely come out of my mouth; but with much courage, my Higher Power (God) helped me to dig down deep for that strength  that I so desperately needed.  

The pain of staying the same was much greater than the  pain of change! I knew something had to change , or I was going to end up high again; and this time I wouldn’t make it out alive.  My life means something to me today; So I trusted the process; and here I am,  years later,  living a life that I never dreamed possible. 

Find someone who you can trust; find a power, greater than yourself that you can hold onto, then go for it.  You sill soon find out that you’re not as bad as you thought you were; that there are others out there who have made bad decisions during their lifetime and now you are free!  Free to live your life to the fullest , to enjoy life and experience all that it has to offer, with no doubts, shame, guilt, or fear.

((Hugs & Love)))


Have Some Fun!


Good Morning Everyone!
I hope that you have some “fun” plans for today.
It’s a beautiful Saturday here in Alabama and I am planning on spending the morning with a very special woman in my life!
It’s going to be an amazing week-end!
Enjoy yourself; get out and have some fun; don’t take yourself so serious all the time! Life was meant… to be enjoyed; so run around “be goofy” for a change; Laugh until you cry, play a game; No matter what it is , just enjoy yourself, allow the kid in you to come out and play.
Have a Superb Saturday My Dear Friends!
(((Hugs & Love)))
WendySee More

Finding your place of center


I am in my “center” ; my place of calmness and peace; which is somewhere I have to visit quite often at work. We talk about responding with calm and relaxing thoughts to situations and circumstances and for a long time that was pretty foreign to myself. After much effort and lots of practice; I can now find that “calm center” of min…e; no matter what is going on around me.
Find your “center”. Watch yourself; what makes you serene; happy; and at peace. What makes your body relaxed and your thoughts disappear? Mine is being on the beach, while listening to the ocean or laying out in the sun listening to nature. Once you find your Center of Peace go there as often as you must. Visiting our “center” throughout the day is a way of calming our anxious thoughts and anxieties. Once we have spent our time in our “center” we can go back to our normal tasks, with a better attitude and a clear mind.
Hope everyone had a productive day!
Sweet Dreams My Friends; and remember “Tomorrow is a new beginning”
(((hugs & love)))
WendySee More


 am going to take in the peace of my Harmony candle and the soft drizzling of the rain and all it an early evening!
I hope that each of you experienced harmony during your day; that point where your thoughts, feelings, & actions were all in sync. For bein…g in harmony is where my heart finds its deepest peace.
Good Night My Friends
Remember: You Matter!!!
Sweet Dreams
((((hugs & love))))
WendySee More



Good Morning!!
As I was writing in my Journal this morning I began to realize all the beauty in my life and all of the things I am grateful for. Then this thought occurred to me; I have a vision for myself today; I have dreams, wants, and desires; So different from where I use to be; when the only visions I had were of how , when, and… where my drugs were coming from; no dreams, no nothing, just an emptiness ; a loneliness; I was living in a self-made prison of dereliction and degradation.
I was once so spiritually dead that not even the pain of my children mattered;
Today, I AM FREE, I hurt when others hurt; I have a burning desire to help those struggling with the disease of addiction; I have a passion for spreading love and peace. I choose to look at the positive in life; I have a family that means the world to me; I can now love truly love myself and love others from the pureness of my heart.
Now that my friends is my Miracle and I will always tell my story so that others may know; There is a better way; There is hope; There is Freedom!
Yes I am over-flowing with GRATITUDE THIS MORNING!
Have a Fantastic Friday!
(((Hugs & Love))))