Reach High


Good Morning Friends;
Welcome to this Marvelous Monday!
I am so grateful that I don’t approach Mondays with regret anymore. It is so freeing! I look forward to the week ahead, with all of its possibilities and learning experiences; it’s literally become an exciting day for me. Much different than in the past; and the difference? I… do what I am best at today; I do what I love, what excites me and helps others. I am honored to have a facebook page with so many wonderful and encouraging friends and I have a job counseling others who need help in the area of Alcohol and Drug Addiction. Both are the most rewarding opportunities and extremely fulfilling.
So what is it that you enjoy? A dream , a deep burning desire; What are you good at? What sparks your full attention and energy? When we do what we are best at, we give our 100%, and we do it with love, which makes the experience become that of true “inner happiness”. I hope that you will explore your heart’s desire and believe in yourself enough to Take a Chance On You, because you are worth it!!
Have a Magnificent Monday My Friends!!
(((Much Love & Hugs)))))





Waking up in a state of gratitude is an amazing feeling. Being grateful for that which I have and knowing that more has yet to be revealed, is overwhelming at times; but so very exciting.
Whatever your state of mind or circumstances are; You can always find something to be grateful for. At times it may seem difficult, especially wh…en things aren’t going the way you had hoped, but when you truly get quiet and alone with yourself, there is something, no matter how small that you can hold onto.
Once the presence of gratitude enters into your heart, it will surely grow.
So today, if your struggling, find your gratitude; make a list of all the wonderful things and people in your life. Do you have a job? Do you have a family, a husband/wife, or children, do you have food on your table, your own toothbrush, soap, water to drink and bathe in? These are just a few of the questions that you can ask yourself; I am sure there are many more, but as you are pondering to find the reasons; Remember there are many without ANY of the above. That should help you move along a bit quicker.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday My Friends!!!
(((hugs & love)))
WendySee More

Believe In You!!


Believing in myself has been a process; one that has required much patience and a lot of growth. I have learned that I am not perfect, but most importantly that I don’t have to be. It’s through my flaws and mistakes that I learn the most valuable lessons. I am the best me that I possiblly can be and today that is good enough in my …book. I have the ability to live the life I have always wanted to live, one that is not only free of drugs, but free of negativity and self-degradation. The deriliction that once ruled my life , is no longer acceptable. I no-longer have to allow others to dictate nor rule my every being. I am living life today, with much freedom, love, happiness and joy. I choose to believe that I am unique and on this Universe for a mighty purpose. When i live with integrity, and live by my truths, I can change the world.

God, whom I choose to call my Higher Power/Creator, has given me a second chance at life. He has shown me that I am special and He desires for me to live happy, joyous, and free. I have been blessed beyond measure and when I live in a state of gratitude and get out of my self-pity; I open myself up to the beauty that surrounds me and all of its wondrous possibilites.

Who would have ever thought a person like me: Someone who lived her childhood, with an Alcoholic Father, Sexual abuse, & Defeat; Someone who became controlled by drugs and hurt the ones I loved the most , would have ever come to know such a beautiful way of life.

It was only in complete defeat that I could surrender and choose a new way of life. It is available to anyone ; there is hope; You can experience a freedom like you have never felt before. Give yourself a break; learn to love and accept yourself! Find a new way to live!! There is so much in this Universe that is both breath taking and exhilirating and its available to YOU!!

Take a chance on yourself and you will be surprised;

There is more to life than just hurt and pain;

Look aroud you, It’s right before your eyes.

There is no need to remain the same!!

“““““Wendy Box 4/4/2011

(This post is on the Home page of my website; I would love to know what everyone thinks; HONESTLY! )See More

This too shall pass.

check out my website at  and join us on facebook.

The storms just rolled through our area of town; leaving behind them a cool and refreshing scent in the air. It’s just another example of how we can hold on through the pain; because we’ve seen what waits on the other side.
So let the storms of life pass you by; seek shelter , and if need be cry my friend cry; Hold on tight and pray a…long the way; For this too shall pass and soon you will see the dawn of a new day!
Sleep well my precious friends and know that you are both loved and needed!
(((Hugs & Love)))
WendySee More