I have this 24 Hours; What will I do with It?

I have this 24 Hours; What will I do with It?

I have a choice; Am I going to go out and make a positive difference in this world; or will I ball up and allow misery to be my company?  
It’s simple; We can step out in the unknown and claim the rights of our true potentials; being all that we were meant to be; realizing that merely being alive is a miracle; or we can allow circumstances (people, places, or things) to determine how we react to this day. 
Take charge of your life, Live it to its fullest, with love, hope, & laughter; Allow your light to shine for others to see; You can make a difference, because you are the difference!
Have a Thrilling Thursday My Friends!

((Hugs & Love)))


Don’t force the answer!

When your wondering what the next step is; what your next move is; which path you should take next ; don’t try and force the answers. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, doing the next right thing and the answer will come.
You are learning a new way to live, the more magical way. One of much faith, trust, and hope; The Universe is taking you places you never imagined possible. Yes, my friend the answer will come; and when it does you will know why it had to be just as it was.
Sweet Dreams My Friends!
(((Hugs & Love))))