Take care of you


Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind. ~ by Dodinsky

The above quote is one I have to remember on a regular basis; especially being in the line of work I am in. If I leave “me” behind, which I did a lot of in the beginning , I will lose myself to the caos that often goes on around me. When that happens , not only am I… miserable, I am of no good to anyone else.
So if you begin to become overwhelmed while helping others : STOP!!! Don’t forget the most important of all, Yourself! Relax, enjoy a hot relaxing bath, have a movie night with family (popcorn and all); treat yourself, or just sit somewhere and relax. Stay away from all “Self-help” books, because you know, you will only want to share them with others.
Then you will be refreshed and energized to be all that you really are; someone full of love and compassion who reaches out to others, offering much hope and encouragement.
I hope that each of you have a wonderful week-end, filled with fun and laughter, and some “You Time”.
Sweet Dreams My Friends
((((Hugs & Love))))



The feel of the wind on my face brings much comfort;

The sounds of nature fill me with strength and peace;

As the trees glow a beautiful orange from the setting of the sun;

I become one with nature; The tranquility of it all is breath-taking.

Realizing once I was so foreign to this sort of beauty, how could I have lived life?

There was no peace, happiness or joy, only emptiness and pain.

Now I am free and full of Gratitude for all that I have been given.

Peace, Tranquility, and Serenity, such beautiful words;

When they are embedded in our hearts;

when we actually feel their presence within “our spirits”;

That’s when I experience the true beauty of Peace.

Then I realize, “I have it!”, What I have been praying for all my life!

That connection that I thought I could never obtain;


““““““`Wendy Box

Much Love To You All!!See More



Don’t you just love it when you have those “epiphanies”? Those moments when something becomes so clear?
Today as I was laying out in the sun, Thoughts of age and how I needed to get into shape started coming to mind. Others had told me that once you reach a certain age your body stops doing this and that , you begin to look this or …that way, and that there is on sense in doing exercises because they don’t work on older people.
Now I have several friends and co-workers who are in their 60’s and look like they are 40; they are in such great shape and they work out. So I decided to give them a call today. I wanted to know how they did it. When they told me they just ate right , took care of their body and exercised, I shared what I heard from so many for years. The response I received from “all 3 people” was: “I chose not to believe them, I just didn’t listen to all that crap (putting it nicely)” .
Wow, so simple , and it is just as I have been learning about my thoughts and actions over the past 6 months. The difference between them and me: Over the years I chose to believe what others had said. Their negative words had planted themselves in my head and without realizing it, those words became a part of me: I was even telling others the same thing!
I am so grateful my Higher Power, whom I call God, for revealing this to me . Now I am aware of it, thank you God, and now I can do something about it. Today I choose to let go of this old belief and believe in a more positive way.
This was just so amazing to me and of course you all were who I wanted to share it with. I love it when things like this happens; It means I am releasing the old and taking in the new; Growth is exciting.
Release old ideas and beliefs
If they are holding you back
And you will find
You too will find much relief.
(((Hugs & Love Everyone ))))
WendySee More

You have a Choice!


Remember you are the one that matters! It is you that chooses which way you will go; how much and what you will allow in your life. Know that having a choice is a powerful thing.
It’s ok to take care of You today!
Enjoy your uniqueness; Enjoy this moment, for you cannot repeat it!

Have a fantastic evening my wonderful friends!
…Much Love & Hugs
WendySee More

Shout Out


This photo is dedicated to all those women who are working jobs, going to school, and raising children on their own.
My mom raised 4 children, worked 2 jobs and we always had what we needed; She will always be my Hero!!!
I do not mean to leave anyone out with this post. Each and everyone of you are special and have amazing abilities…. I just feel the need to send a “Shout Out” to these wonderful women and recognize them for all that they do.
(((Much Love & Hugs)))
WendySee More

Awake to Gratitude


Good Morning Everyone,
I was out of bed early this morning and had the pleasure of listening to all of nature awaken to the dawning of a new day. Listening to the excitement in their chirps, screeches, and prancing feet, made me wonder, “Could they be expressing their gratitude for another day of life?” As this thought pondered aroun…d in my head, I wondered what it would be like if all living beings woke up each morning, singing and dancing to the excitement of a new day.
What an amazing way to begin each day; full of life, energy and gratitude!
Have a Special Sunday My Friends, may your day be filled with much love, laughter, and peace!
(((hugs & love))))