
Many misunderstand the value of forgiveness.
Forgiveness isn’t for the other person by any means, forgiveness is for oneself.
When we forgive , we are free to live life to its fullest, for we are no longer carrying the weight of the resentment within our heart. It sets us free from the power that a person, place or thing may have on us.

I was 42 years old before I forgave my father for the abuse he inflicted on me for 14 years of my childhood. The anger and rage I had in my heart caused me so much pain and it held me back from being able to fully love myself or others; even years after he had passed. Yes , even though he was gone from this earth in the physical form, he still had power over me, my actions, my heart and so much more. Once I was free from that resentment, my entire life began to change; I found a Freedom that I never thought existed, I found the Freedom to love myself in such a powerful way, which in return enabled me to love others the way they deserved to be loved, with all of my heart and not just bits and pieces.

The Journey to that Freedom was painful, but it was worth every tear and ever ounce of pain that I experienced.
I am so grateful that I can say, today I am free and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

(((hugs & love)))

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