The God Within Me


Hap-Hap Happyyyy Fantastic Friday!!!

I am rushing off to a class this morning but I wanted to leave you all with a piece from a morning meditation reading of mine. It really struck me this morning, in a good way, and of course I had to share it with each of you.

Remember your true happiness is within your heart; it cannot be obtained… from other people, places, or things!!! It’s within you!!! It’s your own and noone elses’! Own it, Claim it; Believe it!!

Have a Fabulous Friday Everyone! I am off to class and won’t be back on line till late this afternoon!! Enjoy your day!

(((hugs & love)))))
Alan Cohen Meditation
In the film Willow, a young man in medieval times seeks to be-come an apprentice to the village shaman. Along with two other hopefuls, Willow is tested before an assembled crowd. “If you can answer this question correctly, ” the wizard informs the three, “I will teach you the ancient magic. ” The elder extends his hand and asks, “In which finger does the power lie? ” Each of the first two applicants chooses a fin–ger, and to the groans of the crowd, the wizard shakes his head. Finally, Willow makes his choice and he, too, is rejected.
Willow goes off to live a life of adventure and romance; he joins an army, weathers a war, and grows through many fascinating encounters. After a long time, Willow returns to the village, where the wizard asks him, “What did you want to answer when I gave you the test? ”
“I wanted to say, The power lies in my own hand.’”
“That was the correct answer, ” the wizard affirms. “Why did you not say it?”
“I guess I just didn’t believe in myself enough,” Willow admits.
The illusion of the world is that other people have the power to make us into something we are not. The truth is that we are already everything, and no one outside of ourselves has the power to add to, or diminish, our wholeness. In spite of this fundamental reality, many of us have spent a great deal of time chasing illusions that the power rests somewhere other than in our own hearts and minds.
Beware of any individuals, organizations, or religions that assert that they have the power to save you or crucify you. People may have worldly power, but that is not the same as spiritual power. In the long run, only spir–itual power has any meaning or worth?and you have all of it.

Help me remember that the God I seek lives
within me, as me